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tick one’s work
坚持工作  detail>>
one-host tick
一宿主蜱  detail>>
work with one heart and one mind
上下一条心  detail>>
do one’s work with regularity
有条不紊的工作  detail>>
excel in one‘s work
工作出色  detail>>
loss of sledisclines one for work
睡眠不足使人不愿工作  detail>>
one must work
热量对生命来说象空气和水一样重要  detail>>
one-atmosphere work station
常压工作站  detail>>
one-coat work
单层粉刷  detail>>
steadfast and earnest in one‘s work
实干精神  detail>>
stick one‘s work
坚持工作  detail>>
unite and work as one
同心同德团结一致  detail>>
work there for one year
在那里工作一年  detail>>
on the tick
极为准时地  detail>>
on tick
赊销, 赊购  detail>>
TICK =two-income couple with kids 提克族〔指有孩子的双职工夫妻,相对于“丁克”族而言〕。  vi.  1.(钟表)滴嗒滴嗒响[...  detail>>
tick to
坚持  detail>>
to the tick
极准时地  detail>>